【2024. 6. 15】ブンイトー市「高齢者フェスティバル2024」参加者1500名で開催されました!/ Bueng Yitho Municipality hosted "Festiwow 2024" with 1,500 participants



また、タイ国観光・スポーツ省大臣、パトムタニ県知事、JICAタイ事務所 鈴木和哉所長などに来賓としてお越しいただき、ご挨拶もいただきました。


パート1 / パート2 / パート3

On June 15, Bueng Yitho Municipality, Pathum Thani province, hosted a large event, "Festiwow 2024," with a total of around 1,500 participants. The event aimed to raise awareness about elderly people, fundraise for community-based integrated elderly care measures/projects, and encourage residents to participate in the activities.

In addition to the Mayor and other Bueng Yitho Municipality executives and officials, many residents visited the venue and participated in activities such as dancing and musical performances.

Guests of honor included the Minister of Tourism and Sports in Thailand, the Governor of Pathum Thani Province, and Mr. Kazuya Suzuki, Director of the JICA Thailand Office.

A live-streamed video of the event can be viewed on the official Facebook page of Bueng Yitho Municipality from the link below.

Part1 / Part2 / Part3