【2024. 6. 28】プロジェクト関係者らがマレーシアの高齢者ケア活動現場を訪問しました!/ Project Members' Joint Team Visited Community-based Elderly Care Sites in Malaysia


また、Bandar Baru Bangi Town の Cempaka Lake 近隣のコミュニティでは、がんサバイバーの気功クラブ活動や体操グループ活動を体験させていただき、コミュニティ高齢者入居施設の訪問や、マレーシア自立生活センター(MILAD)、JICAマレーシア事務所の訪問も行いました。

From 25-28 June, a joint team from Thammasat University, Bueng Yitho Municipality, and NGO NOGEZAKA-GLOCAL, as collaborating members of this SMART & STRONG project, visited community-based elderly care activity sites in Malaysia.
On 27 June, a workshop was held with the participation of The National University of Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: UKM), state government representatives, local authorities, civil society organizations/NGOs, and doctors in Malaysia. The participants, both from Malaysia and Thailand, shared situations of elderly care with each other, and opinions were exchanged on how to cooperate in the future across the borders. Graduate students from China and staff members from the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Malaysia office also participated in the workshop as observers.
*The photos below show the presentation about the concepts and frameworks of the SMART & STRONG Project's Community-based Approaches to Elderly Care by Mr. Rangsan Nantakawong (Mayor of Beung Yitho Municipality) and Assistant Professor Nattapat Sarobol (Thammasat University, Faculty of Social Administration).

The joint team also visited a Community-based Residential Nursing Home for senior citizens, the Malaysia Independent Living Association For Disabled (MILAD), and the JICA Malaysia Office, and they participated in the activities of the Cancer Survivors' Qigong Club and Gymnastics Group at the neighborhood community in Campaka Laka, Bandar Baru Bangi Town.