【2024. 12. 14】タイの自治体市長・幹部・医療福祉専門職による訪日研修を実施しました!/ Japan Visit by Thai Municipal Mayors, Executives, and Medical/ Social Welfare Professionals

湯河原町高齢者クラブ「ゆめクラブ」との意見交換 / Interactions & Exchanging Ideas with Senior "Yume" Club in Yugawara Town


From December 9 to 13, Mayors and Executives from 6 local authorities in Thailand (Bueng Yitho municipality, Kalasin municipality, Aranyaphrathet municipality, Thasai Loud municipality, Kantang municipality, Khao Phrangam municipality), Asso. Prof. Wannalak from Thammasat University Faculty of Social Administration, and medical/welfare professionals (Medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists) visited Japan. They learned about elderly care policies, programs, and activities on sites and administrative offices. They interactively shared ideas each other with older citizens, care workers, and administrative officials in Japan.

12月9日(月)/ December 9 (Mon.)


Courtesy call on Mayor of Yugawara Town (Mr. Yoshifumi Naito), explanation of Yugawara Town's overview

12月10日(火)/ December 10 (Tue.)


  • 介護福祉施設シーサイド湯河原(特別養護老人ホーム、短期入所者生活介護)訪問、施設見学、意見交換
  • 湯河原町高齢者クラブ「ゆめクラブ」との意見交換(湯河原町コミュニティセンター)
  • Visit the elderly care/welfare facility "Seaside Yugawara" (Special Nursing Home for the Aged, Short-term Stay for Daily Care)
  • Interactions and ideas exchange with Yugawara Senior "Yume" Club (at Yugawara Community Center)

12月11日(水)/ December 11 (Wed.)


  • 地域密着型介護福祉 ぐるんとびー まちかどオフィス 訪問(藤沢市)
  • 認知症対応デイケア ケアサロンさくら 訪問(鎌倉市)
  • Visit to Machicado Office, Grundvig, inc., Community-based care & social welfare (Fujisawa City)
  • Visit to Care Salon Sakura, a Dementia daycare service (Kamakura City)

12月12日(木)/ December 12 (Thu.)

  • 日本の社会保障についての講義、研修のフォローアップ
  • 国際協力機構(JICA)横浜センター 訪問
  • 神奈川県庁 首藤健二 副知事 表敬
  • 神奈川県「未病改善」の取組について説明
  • Lecture about the social security system in Japan, follow-up of learnings from this Japan-Visit.
  • Visit to JICA Yokohama Center
  • Courtesy call on Vice Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture (Mr. Kenji Shito)
  • Explanation of Kanagawa Prefecture’s Healthcare New Frontier health policy package centers on the concept of "Managing ME-BYO"

12月13日(金)/ December 13 (Fri.)

  • 国際協力機構(JICA)本部 中村信太郎 国際協力専門員(社会保障分野)訪問、意見交換
  • 在東京タイ王国大使館大使 ウィッチュ・ウェチャーチーワ 閣下 表敬
  • Visit to JICA Headquarters, Senior Advisor in Social Security, Mr. Shintaro Nakamura
  • Courtesy call on His Excellency Mr. WITCHU Vejjajiva, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Thailand (at Royal Thai Embassy in Japan)