【2024. 12. 20】ホアヒン市「市民による認知症ケア」研修を開催!/ "Dementia Care by Citizens" Training implemented by Hua Hin Municipality
On December 19 and 20, Hua Hin Municipality at Phrachuap Khirikhan Province implemented training with a theme of "dementia care by citizens." This training got hints from Japanese "dementia supporters" and "caravan mates (volunteers with professional knowledge of dementia)." This time, administrative officials, community volunteers, and middle/high school students in Hua Hin Municipality participated in the training opportunities.
行政職員・地域ボランティア向け研修 / Training for Administrative Officials & Community Volunteers
12月19日 / December 19th
初日には、ホワヒン市の行政職員や地域ボランティア(保健ボランティア、ケアギバーボランティア、高齢者介護ボランティアなど)約50名が参加しました。 この研修では、日本のキャラバンメイト研修に相当する内容を実施し、認知症への理解を深めるとともに、地域での支援活動の強化を図りました。
日本からの講師 石上晶子さんが「第三者評価」について講義し、ニューライフ湯河原の奥山ひろみさんと鈴木伸一さんが、日本の認知症サポーターやキャラバンメイト、認知症カフェの事例をオンラインで紹介しました。また、タイ国内で先行して同様の取り組みを実施しているタップマー市からも、具体的な活動事例が共有されました。
On the first day, around 50 administrative officials and community volunteers (ex. health volunteers, caregivers) took the training, to deepen their understanding of the symptoms of dementia and enhance community-based support activities.
The lecturer from Japan, Ms. Akiko Ishigami, gave a lecture on ‘third-party evaluation’, and Ms. Hiromi Okuyama and Mr. Shinichi Suzuki from New Life Yugawara presented examples of dementia supporters, caravan mates, and dementia cafes in Japan. Specific examples of activities were also shared by Thap Ma municipality, which implemented similar initiatives earlier in Thailand.
中高生向け認知症サポーター養成講座 / Dementia Supporter Training Course for Middle & High School Students
12月20日 / December 20th
タマサート大学の教員による講義と、タップマー市の職員によるワークショップが行われ、認知症への理解を深める内容が提供されました。 今回のホアヒン市の取り組みは、湯河原町の事例を参考にしており、同町ではすべての中学生が認知症サポーター養成講座を受講しています。
本取り組みはまずブンイトー市で試行され、次にタップマー市で実施。今回のホアヒン市では、タップマー市の協力を得てホワヒン市で展開されました。このように、普及と学び合いが相互に絡み合う形で活動が拡大しています。 他のネットワーク加盟自治体からもオンラインでのオブザーバー参加があり、今後さらなる広がりが期待されています。
さらに、今回の中高生向け講座は試行的な位置づけであり、参加者の学びの効果を測定・評価することで、次回以降の講座改善に活かす予定です。 日本の事例をヒントに始まりましたが、日本の方法を単に模倣するのではなく、タイ独自の状況に合わせて発展させている点が際立っています。
On the second day, a "dementia supporter training course" was held for 60 students from middle and high schools in the city. The students came from five national, public, and private middle/high schools, and their grades also ranged from first-year of middle schools to second-year of high schools.
Lectures were given by professors from Thammasat University and workshops were conducted by Thap Ma Municipality officials, providing a deeper understanding of dementia for students. This initiative in Hua Hin Municipality was based on the example of Yugawara Town in Japan, where all junior high school students of their administrative area attend a dementia supporter training course.
This initiative was first trialed in Bueng Yitho Municipality and then implemented in Thap Ma Municipality. This time, it was disseminated into Hua Hin Municipality with the cooperation of Thap Ma Municipality. In this SMART & STRONG Project, initiatives by local authorities in Thailand are expanding in such ways that dissemination and mutual learning are intertwined with each other. Other network member municipalities have also participated as online observers and further expansion of community-based dementia care is expected in the future.
Furthermore, the current course for middle and senior high school students is positioned as a trial initiative, and the effectiveness of the participants' learning was measured this time to evaluate and utilize data to improve the next and subsequent courses. Although these activities were initiated with hints from the Japanese case study on dementia care, it stands out in that it did not simply imitate Japanese methods, but developed them to suit Thailand's unique situation.