【2025. 1. 7】勉強会「タイの高齢者ケアの現状とネットワークによる国際協力マネジメント事例」を実施しました!/ Workshop on "Elderly Care in Thailand & a Case of International Cooperation Project Management through Networking"

奥井利幸 野毛坂グローカル2.タイにおける自治体ネットワークによる統合型高齢者ケアプロジェクトの概要
中村哲 湯河原町地域政策課副課長3.高齢者ケア活動の普及事例分析 ~認知症カフェを例に~
鈴木知世 外務省国際協力局経済協力専門員4.高齢化が進む中進国タイ「学び合い」による国際協力のマネジメント
沖浦文彦 大阪経済大学教授5.質疑応答
片桐碧海 医師/東京科学大学博士課程コメンテーター:
三好友良 東京大学博士課程/元在タイ日本大使館専門調査員主催:

On January 7, 2025, a workshop on "Elderly care in the aging society of Thailand & a case of international cooperation project management through networking" was held at JICA Ichigaya Building / online. After the explanation of the medical, health, & social security system in Thailand and the SMART & STRONG Project overview/cases, Professor Dr.Okiura from Osaka University of Economics made a presentation to consider this project's unique management approach through networking and mutual learning.
There are various participants (ex. healthcare/social welfare sectors, international development sectors, local administration officers, NGOs, academics, and students) to discuss the theme interactively.
1. Medical, Health, Social Welfare Systems and Aging in Thailand - Toshiyuki Okui, NGO NOGEZAKA-GLOCAL
2. Outline of SMART & STRONG Project through networking with local authorities in Thailand - Tetsu Nakamura, Deputy Director of Policy & Planning Division, Yugawara Town
3. Dementia Cafe, a Case of Community-based Elderly Care's Dissemination in Thailand - Tomoyo Suzuki, Economic Cooperation Researcher at International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
4. International Cooperation Management through 'Mutual-learning' at Thailand with Population Ageing Society - Dr. Fumihiko Okiura, Professor of Osaka University of Economics
Med.Dr. Aomi Katagiri - Ph.D Student at the Institute of Science TokyoCommentator:
Mr. Yusuke Miyoshi - Ph.D Student at the University of Tokyo / former Specialist Investigator at the Embassy of Japan in ThailandOrganized by NGO NOGEZAKA-GLOCAL
Supported by Yugawara Town, JICA Yokohama Center