
Profile of SMART & STRONG Project


- Formal Name of Project (Japanese Language) -


(略称 / Shorten Name:タイの自治体ネットワークによるコミュニティベース統合型高齢者ケアプロジェクト)


- Formal Name of Project (English Language) -

Project on the Development of Local Authorities of a Community-Based Integrated Elderly Care Model (through Networking in Thailand)

(略称 / Shorten Name:SMART & STRONG Project)

◆プロジェクトスキーム|Project Scheme

JICA草の根技術協力事業JICA Partnership Program

◆実施機関|Implementing Organization of Project

独立行政法人国際協力機構Japan International Cooperation Agency / JICA

◆運営機関|Managing Organization of Project

神奈川県湯河原町(Yugawara Town, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan)

◆運営協力・調整|Coordinating Organization on Project Management


◆タイ側実施機関|Thai-side Implementing Organizations


(Bueng Yitho Municipality, Pathum Thani Province & Other Local Authorities in Network)

2022年8月:9自治体 ➞ 2023年7月:26自治体

(9 sites in August 2022 ➞ 26 sites in July 2023)

◆タイ側協力機関|Thai-side Coordinating Organization on Project Management

タマサート大学社会福祉学部 / チュラロンコン大学政治学部

◆プロジェクト実施期間|Term of Implementing Project


(August 1, 2022 ~ July 31, 2025)

◆プロジェクト目標|Project Purpose


(Community-based Integrated Elderly Care model is being developed and is going to be extended to other Local Authorities through networking.)

◆プロジェクト ウェブサイト|Project Website


◆プロジェクト SNS|Project's Social Media

Facebook @thjp.smartstrong

Instagram @thjp.smartstrong

Twitter @thjp_networks


Background of the SMART & STRONG Project



Thailand is one of the frontrunners among low and middle-income countries that have experienced rapid population aging recently, and it is projected to proceed further in the future. In this context, Community-based Care for elderly persons based on each region/area's characteristics and needs is becoming significant to vitalize, as well as organizing public policies and systems socializing care at the national level.

Under this situation, Bueng Yitho Municipality, Pathum Thani Province in Thailand, initialized cooperation/collaboration with Thammasat University Faculty of Social Administration, Japanese Municipality (Yugawara Town, Kanagawa Prefecture) and Japanese NGO (NOGEZAKA-GLOCAL). This collaboration agreement (since 2019) within various organizations enabled the sharing of know-how on elderly care through opportunities both in Japan and Thailand, such as the Training in Japan and on-site experiences of Community Care, Seminars lectured by healthcare professionals/practitioners, university professors, local authority's officials, community residents, etc. These platforms for sharing know-how have produced various achievements in Community-based Elderly Care through the ownership and initiatives (including the budget management & cost finances) of Bueng Yitho Municipality.

For instance, they established and started managing a Municipal Hospital (Medical & Rehabilitation Center), a Day Care Center for elderly residents, and three sites of activity centers for senior citizens (currently not only for older persons but also for all generations). In addition to that, the municipality also promoted collaboration of home-visit care and nursing facility-based care.

Such initiatives led by a municipality are unique and outstanding among general local authorities in Thailand (excluding the large cities/metropolitan areas represented by Bangkok), and many visitors come to see and learn the systems, management, and know-how on the processes of building up Bueng Yitho Municipality's style of Community-based Integrated Elderly Care.

*Bueng Yitho Municipality's Population
  • Registered Residents: 35,000
  • Including Non-registered Residents: 100,000

2019年までの取り組み|Background by 2019

パトムタニ県ブンイトー市 | The Location (Red Point) of Bueng Yitho Municipality, Pathum Thani Province, is 40km North of Bangkok



左:ブンイトー市、タマサート大学、NGO野毛坂グローカルによる協力協定 (2019年7月26日)
右:ブンイトー市、神奈川県湯河原町による協力の覚書 (2019年7月23日)
第1回 アジア健康長寿イノベーション賞「準大賞」


Bueng Yitho Municipality's initiatives of Community-based Integrated Elderly Care (named STRONG Model Program) have been commended in Thailand domestically and internationally. Finally, this achievement was awarded as Second Prize of the 1st Healthy Aging Prize for Asian Innovation.

2021年までの取り組み|Background by 2021


In order to further develop Buneg Yitho Municipality's initiatives and to expand into other local authorities in Thailand, "Promotion and Dissemination of Community-based Integrated Eldely Care Models through Networking Local Authorities" has begun with Thap Ma Municipality, Rayong Province, Khao Phra Ngam Municipality, Lopburi Province, and Hua Hin Municipality, Phrachuap Khiri Khan Province. They initialized sharing information and know-how through the network. Even under the COVID-19 pandemic with limited availability of their activities, Bueng Yitho Municipality, Thap Ma Municipality, and a Japanese NGO (NOGEZAKA-GLOCAL) concluded the collaboration agreements online in December 2020.

タイ の自治体ネットワーキングを推進

日本政府アジア健康構想にもとづく 2021年第2回アジア健康長寿イノベーション賞では、「大賞」を受賞しました。

Finally, this framework of network-based promotion on elderly care within Bueng Yitho Municipality, Thap Ma Municipality, and NOGEZAKA-GLOCAL was awarded as Grand Prize of 2nd Healthy Aging Prize for Asian Innovation.



Formation of the SMART & STRONG Project


With the scheme of the JICA Partnership Program (through Japanese Local Government & NGOs), this SMART & STRONG project was initialized in August 2022. At that time, there were originally 9 sites of local authorities in Thailand that begun engaging in the Network for Promoting Community-based Integrated Elderly Care. Then, since July 2023, the number of Thai local authorities in the Network expanded to 26 sites, and gathering more sites' interests and motivations to participate in this network.



当プロジェクトの特徴について、詳しくは HOME をご覧ください。

Through collaboration with other various organizations, such as Yugawara Town, Kanagawa Prefecture, NGOs, Universities, and the Central Government, this project continues managing and coordinating the expansion of the Thai local authorities' network as a platform to share and circulate knowledge, experience, human resources, techniques, and so on. Then, this project pursues to encourage the ownership/initiative of each local authority to promote Community-based Integrated Elderly Care Models reflecting the community's background, needs, and resources.


In addition, this project also intends to share successful initiatives of community-based elderly care in Thailand as worthy and useful new perspectives to contribute innovating Japanese style's Community-based Integrated Elderly Care.


‣2023年7月 発行




SMART & STRONG Project cherishes the basic principle of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), "No One Will Be Left Behind" from the community and society, including elderly persons, their family members, and community residents.


Case of Project's Outcomes: Dementia Cafe


Dementia Cafe was held for the first time in Thailand and is continuously being implemented by a local authority. The initiative has been disseminated to two more local authorities in Thailand.

認知症カフェとは?|What is Dementia Cafe?


Dementia Cafe generally functions as the informal salon or community place where 'anyone' can gather, communicate casually, establish networks, and discuss issues with people with dementia, their families, healthcare/welfare professionals, and other local residents. Dementia cafes aim to enable the participants to live in their familiar homes, neighborhoods, and communities, even if they have dementia.

In Japan, this Dementia Cafe has been promoted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare since around 2015, and the actual activities have been widely implemented in various local communities of Japan.


Background of Initializing Dementia Cafe in Thailand for the First Time


In Thailand, as a rapidly aging society, it is also projected that the proportion of the population with dementia will increase according to the rise of average life expectancy. Therefore, this project started utilizing and sharing the know-how of Japanese Dementia Cafe activities to develop places where comprehensive dementia prevention and care can be provided in the community within Thail local authorities.

試行的に実施している認知症カフェの様子|Dementia Cafe started in Bueng Yitho Municipality


- Platforms of Sharing Japanese Know-how on Dementia Cafe with Thai Local Authorities -



また、今年2022年3月には、日本の学生の企画・運営協力でオンラインでの認知症カフェ研修が開催され、ブンイトー市からは医師・理学療法士・介護士らが参加するなか、埼玉県狭山市の社会福祉法人狭山公樹会ひろせの杜 松尾博美施設長から「認知症の基礎とケア」について、神奈川県横浜市神奈川区に位置し「ひだまり☆誰でも認知症カフェ」を運営する居宅介護支援事業所ひだまり+の西迫愛主任ケアマネジャーからは「認知症デイケアと認知症カフェ」についての説明がありました。


Before the opening of Dementia Cafe (named STRONG CAFE) in 2022 by Bueng Yitho Municipality, Pathum Thani Province, and Thammasat University, there are various opportunities to share Japanese situation of Dementia Care and Dementia Cafe Activities.

  • 2019: Visit and On-site Experience of Dementia Cafe in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan (for Executives and Healthcare officials from Bueng Yitho Municipality)
  • March 2022: Online Seminar about Dementia Care and Dementia Cafe's Management lectured by Japanese healthcare/welfare practitioners (for healthcare professionals: Doctors, Physiotherapists, Caregivers, etc.)
  • November 2022: Hybrid Seminar about Community-based Dementia Care by Japanese Healthcare/Welfare Practitioners, Nurses, Care Managers, etc. (for around 40 healthcare-related officials of Bueng Yitho Municipality and Thap Ma Municipality)



Bueng Yitho Municipality's STRONG CAFE has been continuously implemented, and the municipality also initialized the "Dementia Supporter Training Course" for high school students in June 2023.

In addition, the initiatives of Bueng Yitho Municipality have been shared with the other local authorities in Thailand through the project's network. Eventually, from July 2023, Thap Ma Municipality and Khao Phra Ngam Municipality also began the initiatives of Dementia Cafe in each unique style.
