【2023. 7. 20】ロブリ県カオプラガム市で初の認知症カフェ開催!/ Dementia Cafe in Khao Phra Ngam, Lopburi

パトムタニ県ブンイトー市やラヨン県タップマー市に次いで、"Happy Oldie (幸せな高齢者)" をスローガンとし高齢者ケア活動に取り組むロブリ県カオプラガム市は、タイのなかで認知症カフェをスタートした3番目の自治体となりました。


On July 20, "Dementia Cafe" was held in Khao Phra Ngam Municipality, Lopburi Province.
Through the network of this project, the "Dementia Cafe" has begun to spread in Thailand, learning from the "Dementia Cafes" in Japan and from the initiatives of local authorities in Thailand.
After Bueng Yitho Municipality in Pathum Thani Province and Thap Ma Municipality in Rayong Province, Khao Phra Ngam Municipality (with the slogan "Happy Oldie") became the third municipality that has started and engaged in the initiatives of dementia cafes within the whole of Thailand.
This time, the dementia cafe brought local community members together not only the elderly persons but also school students and other multi-generational groups. There was also the activity to pack colorful bento boxes together. This unique initiative by Khao Phra Ngam Municipality is expected to be a reference and learning for other municipalities.

(Photo Credits: Khao Phra Ngam Municipality Facebook)