【2023. 7. 18】ラヨン県タップマー市で初の認知症カフェ開催!/ Dementia Cafe in Thap Ma, Rayong
この取り組みはもともと、日本で「認知症の当事者、家族・友人、地域住民だれもが参加でき、楽しい交流を図る集いの場」として行われている「認知症カフェ(またはオレンジカフェなど地域によって名称もさまざま)」から着想を得て、当プロジェクトのネットワーク参加自治体であるパトムタニ県ブンイトー市がタイで初めて「STRONG カフェ」として開催し、その後も継続的に行ってきた活動です。
今回、高齢者の生活の質を向上させる政策のもと「Be Closely Elders」というコンセプトを掲げるタップマー市が、ブンイトー市での「STRONG カフェ」を参考に、自らの市にも独自な形で取り入れ、タイ国内で2番目に認知症カフェをはじめた自治体となりました。
On July 18th, the "Dementia Cafe" was held for the first time in Thap Ma Municipality, Rayong Province, East part of Thailand.
Dementia Cafe in Thailand originally began in Bueng Yitho Municipality, Pathum Thani province, for the first time in the whole nation as "STRONG CAFE." This initiative was inspired by the "Dementia Cafes" ("Orange Cafes" or other names depending on the area/community) that have been held in Japan as a "gathering place where everyone (people with dementia, their families and friends, and local community members, etc.) can participate and enjoy interacting/socializing with each other."
This time, through the mutual learning among this project's network of local authorities, Thap Ma Municipality (holding the policy to improve elderly person's quality of life with the slogan "Be Closely Elders") referred and learned the STRONG CAFE's initiative, and decided to implement their own unique way of Dementia Cafe named "Community Thapma Cafe for Dementia," through the initiative by Thap Ma Municipality.
In this way, "mutual learning and promotion of community-based elderly care through the network of Thai local authorities" is proceeding.
Since the name is Dementia "CAFE," participants enjoyed drinking coffee or juice, and staff members/university faculties who participated in this event were wearing Café clerk style uniforms.
After the dementia cafe event, the large-scale opening ceremony of the dementia cafe with about 500 participants was taken place and told "What is Dementia Cafe and How it works" with persons with various backgrounds (Provincial Governors, Mayors, Government Officials, Private Companies, Civic Organizations, etc.)