【2023. 6. 10】国際開発学会 秋田大会において、プロジェクトマネジメントの特徴が事例として発表されました!/ SMART & STRONG Project's management method presented at the JASID conference
国際協力・開発分野では日本最大級の学会である 国際開発学会 の2023年度 春季大会(会場:秋田市文化創造館)において、6月10日(土)、本プロジェクトを事例として整理・考察するポスター発表がなされました。

今回のポスター発表は、【自治体ネットワークによる持続的な能力向上と技術の普及をめざす開発協力のマネジメント ~「タイ国の自治体ネットワークによるコミュニティベース統合型高齢者ケア普及プロジェクト」の事例整理~】という題で、国際教養大学 学生の鈴木知世(当プロジェクトのコーディネーター)、国立保健医療科学院の山口佳小里主任研究官、東京都市大学の沖浦文彦教授により行われました。

On Saturday, June 10, at the 2023 Spring Conference of the Japan Society for International Development (JASID), one of the largest academic societies in the field of international cooperation and development in Japan, this project was presented as a case to visualize and analyze the current progress in the form of the poster presentation.
This poster presentation's title is "An Approach for International Cooperation Management Seeking Sustainable Methods of Capacity Building and Technology Dissemination through Municipal Networks: A Case Study of the "Project for Dissemination of Community-Based Integrated Elderly Care through Municipal Networks in Thailand" and was presented by Akita International University student Tomoyo Suzuki (coordinator of this project), Dr. Kaori Yamaguchi (Researcher at the National Institute of Public Health), and Dr. Fumihiko Okiura ( Professor at Tokyo City University).
This presentation focuses particularly on project management methods and discusses the current case studies based on progress since the project began in August 2022, suggesting room for future research and studies.
In general, development cooperation projects that disseminate models first establish a model in a pilot site, and then disseminate the model while reflecting each situation/context in other regions, with the central government and development cooperation/aid agencies taking ownership of the project.
On the other hand of such conventional project management approaches, this project takes unique methods that each site or field (Municipality, etc.) has its own ownership to implement the individual activity, and experiences/knowledge/technologies accumulated in each site are shared through the network composed of various sites.
This poster presentation raised the hypothesis that these unique management methods could, under certain conditions, flexibly respond to differences in regional/local backgrounds and changing socioeconomic conditions over time, and participants of this conference (researchers, practitioners, students, etc.) exchanged their opinions in the venue.
The poster used for the presentations is as follows (Tentative English translation)