【2023. 6. 13】タイではじめての「認知症サポーター養成講座」がブンイトー市で実施されました!/ The First "Training Courses for Dementia Supporters" in Thailand


Dementia is a condition that requires mutual support within the community. In Japan, "Training Courses for Dementia Supporters" have been held in various regions, and about 1.5 million dementia supporters have been certified so far.
In Thailand, many volunteers are active in the community, including elderly care, but most of them are working in positions of their jobs like "semi-public workers/civil servants". For this reason, there are not many "informal volunteers" who specialize in dementia care.
This time, the "Training Course for Dementia Supporters" was held for the first time in Thailand, at Watkhienkhet High School students in Bueng Yitho Municipality, in order to create and root "Dementia Supporters" in the local community.
55 high school sophomores participated in this course, and received each Dementia Supporter Certificate.