【2023. 7. 10】9自治体による活動報告会を実施しました!/ Debriefing Session of 9 Municipalities to Report Each Activity Progress & Plan

~ English below ~
7月10日(月)、プラチュアップキリカン県ホアヒン市の主催(会場:Golden Sea Hua Hin Hotel)で、2022年8月から当プロジェクトのネットワークへ参加し活動してきた9つの自治体により、これまでの進捗や今後の活動計画を発表する報告会が開催されました。

ホアヒン市 ➞ ナーサン市 ➞ カオプラガム市 ➞ ランプン市 ➞ タップマー市 ➞ ターサイルアット市 ➞ カンタン市 ➞ パタヤ市 ➞ ブンイトー市


日本からは、当プロジェクトの運営機関である神奈川県湯河原町 地域政策課の木村修太副課長と、タイ出身で湯河原町の職員であるラティさん、ミントさんにより、湯河原町の地域概要や観光資源、高齢化や高齢者ケアへの取り組みなどが共有されました。

また東京都市大学の沖浦文彦教授、在タイ日本国大使館の三好友良専門調査員、NGO野毛坂グローカル代表の奥井利幸さんをはじめ、JICA海外協力隊員(栄養士)の狩野奈桜さん、当プロジェクトの国内調整員(川喜多英博 チーフコーディネーター、鈴木知世 コーディネーター)が参加し、各自治体の取り組みに対する関心や応援のコメントを述べました。
司会進行はホアヒン市職員のファーさん、Q & A セッションのファシリテートはタマサート大学社会福祉学部のナタパット助教授、日タイ通訳を小西さん、パーンさんにしていただきました。

On July 10, through the initiative by Hua Hin Municipality (Prachuap Khiri Khan Province), a debriefing session of 9 municipalities (that have joined this project's network since Aug. 2022) was held at Golden Sea Hua Hin Hotel, to report each municipality's implementation progress on 1 year after the start of SMART & STRONG Project, and to present the future activity plans.
Each of the nine municipalities, located in the various areas of Thailand from north to south & east to west, has its own unique context regarding natural conditions (ex. climate, geography) and social conditions (ex. population/demography, industrial structure, culture, religion, and urban/rural differences).
One of the municipalities is located near the border with Myanmar, and has a higher percentage of Myanmar nationals than Thai nationals as their residential population.
Based on these backgrounds, each city has its own unique aging situation (aging rate, access to medical, health, and welfare services, etc.), and local authorities (municipalities) are required to take each initiative in effectively utilizing local resources to formulate and provide care for the elderly persons in the ways suited to each local community.

In this debriefing session, the presentations were given in the following order:
Hua Hin Municipality ➞ Nasan Municipality ➞ Khao Phra Ngam Municipality ➞ Lampung Municipality ➞ Thap Ma Municipality ➞ Tha Sai Loud Municipality ➞ Kantang Municipality ➞ Pattaya Municipality ➞ Bueng Yitho Municipality
(Presented by local government officials such as mayors, deputy mayors, assistant directors, directors of health departments, doctors, etc.)
The presentations included each municipality's basic information such as population or aging rate, information on the city's tourism resources, industries, and traditional culture, and activities that have been implemented in their own cities (opening day care centers, implementing dementia cafes, etc.), incorporating what they have learned from visiting other municipalities and on-site field of community-based integrated elderly care activities through the project's network. They also shared various events and activities they are planning to conduct in the near future.

Perhaps due to the fact that Thailand currently has more "healthy" elderly people than those who require a higher level of nursing care (e.g., the person with bedridden conditions), many of the nine municipalities shared their efforts on health promotion and frailty prevention through promoting social participation, employment, creating places to belong, and recreational activities. Bueng Yitho Municipality actually implemented a project of excursion going to Ayuttaya together with elderly people.
In Lampung and Kantang, each traditional culture is valued as a local resource, and they conduct activities to create "ikigai (≒ purpose/meaning to live)" since they respect the elderly residents as the "main/key persons of activities to inherit each traditional culture to the younger generation."
On the other hand, some municipalities are facing a shortage (in both quantity and quality) of medical and healthcare professionals (ex. doctors, nurses, and physical therapists.) SMART & STRONG Project will continue to promote mutual learning (circulation and sharing of knowledge, experience, technology, and human resources) and mutual development on community-based integrated elderly care among local authorities in Thailand and between Japan and Thailand.

Staff members of municipalities that will newly join the project network as of July 11, 2023, also attended this activity debriefing session, listened to the presentations of the 9 municipalities that have been engaged so far, and actively joined in Q&A sessions.
One of the comments was from Betong Municipality, Yala Province, which is located on the border with Malaysia, and has a large percentage of Muslim residents. The participant commented, "We would like to create our community's system that can accept and live together with elderly people from diverse cultural backgrounds, including religious ones.

From Japan, Mr. Shuta Kimura, Deputy Director of the Regional Policy Division of Yugawara Town, Kanagawa Prefecture, and Ms. Ratti and Ms. Manutchaya, Yugawara Town staff from Thailand, shared the overview of Yugawara town, its tourism resources, and efforts/activities to conduct population aging and elderly care.
Prof. Fumihiko Okiura from Tokyo City University, Mr. Yusuke Miyoshi, a researcher at the Embassy of Japan in Thailand, Mr. Toshiyuki Okui, a representative of NGO Nogezaka Glocal, Ms. Karino, a JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (nutritionist), and Japan-side project coordinators (Chief Coordinator Mr. Kawakita and Coordinator Ms. Suzuki) also participated in this session, and they expressed the interests and encouragement to each municipality's activities.
MC was Ms. Fah from Hua Hin Municipality, and a facilitator of the Q&A session was Assistant Prof. Nattapat from Thammasat University Faculty of Social Administration, the Thai-Japanese interpretation was by Ms. Konishi & Mr. Palm, and Thai-side project coordinators were Mr. Chaowarit & Ms. Mayy.