【2023. 11. 30】当プロジェクトに参加するタイの自治体幹部らの訪日研修(湯河原町・横浜市)を実施しました!/ SMART & STRONG Project invited the visit to Japan of executive members from local municipalities in Thailand

27日には湯河原町の 冨田幸宏町長を表敬訪問し、28日には湯河原町の高齢者福祉施設(ふらっと湯河原:デイケアセンター&小規模多機能型居宅施設、特別養護老人ホームシーサイド湯河原)の訪問を行いました。市長らは各々の財政に責任を持っている立場として、自治体の公共マネジメントの視点から、サービスの充実と行政による負担の折り合いについて関心を持たれていました。

- ランサン市長 (パトムタニ県ブンイトー市)
- チャノウィット市長 (スラタニ県ナーサン市)
- アティチャート副市長 (プラチュアップキリカン県ホワヒン市)
- スンティニー副市長 (ランプン県ランプン市)
- レウィヤ助役 (ラヨン県タップマー市)

From November 27 to 30, a Japan visit program for mayors and executives participating in the project's network was implemented at Yugawara Town and Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture.
On November 27, they had a courtesy visit to the Mayor of Yugawara Town, Mr. Yukihiro Tomita. On November 28, they visited welfare facilities for the elderly in Yugawara Town (e.g., 'Furatto Yugawara': Day Care Center & Multifunctional Long-term Care in Small Group Home / 'Seaside Yugawara': Special Care Home for the Elderly). The mayors, with their responsibilities for the finances of local government, were interested in the enhancement of services and the burden to be borne by the administration from the perspective of public management.

On December 29, mayors then moved to Yokohama City and visited community-based activities, such as the community cafeteria and community-based disaster prevention, while watching over senior citizens in Nishitobe-machi, Nishi-ku. The Thai visitors were very interested in such various activities carried out on the initiatives of the local residents without financial assistance from the government.
After a courtesy visit to the JICA Yokohama Center, they listened to the lecture on the essence of the complex social security system in Japan, presented by Mr. Reisuke Iwana from Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting, Ms. Yuko Mine, Director General of the Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan, and Mr. Hideki Inada from Sakura Community Care Service.
Mayors and Executives of Thai Local Authorities
- Mayor of Bueng Yitho Municipality, Pathum Thani Province
- Mayor of Na San Municipality, Surat Thani Province
- Deputy Mayor of Hua Hin Municipality, Phrachuap Khiri Khan Province
- Deputy Mayor of Lamphun Municipality, Lamphun Province
- Chief Municipality Clerk of Thap Ma Municipality, Rayong Province