【2023. 3. 6】ラヨン県タップマー市における、コミュニティベースの包摂的な防災活動 / Community-based Inclusive Disaster Prevention in Thap Ma Municipality

- 障害者や高齢者などの要援護者の内訳が、洪水が起こる前からコミュニティ内の繋がりや活動を通しておおよそ把握されており、それらの情報をもとに防災計画が毎年作成されていたこと。
- 内務省、保健省、福祉省、県などと、災害(洪水含む)が起こることを予見した事前の準備、実際に被災した際の対応、そして復旧への取り組みを、タップマー市が中心となって取りまとめ、各機関の調整が速やかに、効果的に進められたこと。

Report on the Comunity-Based Disaster Prevention Acticities at Thap Ma Municipality
In September 2022, Thap Ma Municipality in Rayong Province was hit by a major flood. More than half of the city area was affected by this flood, but there were no human casualties.
We interviewed city officials to know why Thap Ma Municipality was able to minimize the damage and found that there are two main reasons, which are also related to the "community-based integrated elderly care" that we aim to promote through this project.
- The breakdown of people in need of assistance, such as people with disability or elderly people, was known before the happening of the flood through connections and activities within the community of Thap Ma municipality, and also the disaster prevention plan was prepared annually based on such information.
- The Thap Ma Municipality took the lead in coordinating with the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Public Health, and the Rayong province's government, for the preparation in advance for natural disasters (including flooding), the respondence to the actual damages when it occurs, and the work for restoration from the damages.
In addition, cardboard beds were prepared based on donations from the private sector, and a shopping center was rented for free to operate a "disaster relief center" in case of emergency. The municipality responded to the flooding quickly by cooperating/collaborating with private corporations and could prevent any human casualties from the damages.
This case of disaster-respondent by the initiative of Thap Ma Municipality with the power among community members is the inclusive disaster management activities to ensure that "no one" (including those in need of care) is left behind when the disaster occurs.
There would be a lot of room for other local authorities around Thailand to learn from the case of Thap Ma Municipality's disaster prevention/management, and reflect them in their own disaster prevention activities.