【2023. 3. 14】タップマー市で高齢者向けサービス・リハビリセンターの開所式を開催しました!/ Opening Ceremony of Thapma Day Care Center

タップマー市は、高齢者の生活の質を向上させる政策のもと、「Be Closely Elders」というコンセプトを掲げ、家族やコミュニティがお互いを大切にすることを施策としています。高齢者が孤独や寂しさに直面するのを見捨てず、心身の状態の悪化を解決するため、すべての高齢者が徹底したサービスと、効果的なケアを受けられることを目指します。本格的なデイケアセンターとしては、タイ東部地域で最初のものと認知されることを望んでいます。
タマサート大学社会事業科学部の学識経験者に加え、SMART & STRONGプロジェクト(自治体ネットワークによるコミュニティにベース高齢者ケア構築プロジェクト)からも、パトムタニ県ブンイトー市や日本の独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)、湯河原町、NGO野毛坂グローカルが関わっており、今後タイ国内外における高齢者ケア統合モデルのネットワークの一環として実施します。

Opening Ceremony of Daycare and Rehabilitation Center for the Elderly Held in Thap Ma Municipality
On March 14, 2023, the Thap Ma Municipality, Rayong Province (Mayor Mr. Prasat Wongsri), held an opening ceremony for a new daycare center. Mayor Mr. Rangsarn from Bueng Yhito Municipality of Pathumthani Province, Executive Director Mr. Pusit of the Thai Foundation for Research and Development in Gerontology, and Assistant Professor Nathapat of Thammasat University, and others attended the opening ceremony.
Under the policy to improve the quality of the elderly, Thap Ma Municipality has adopted the concept of "Be Closely Elders," a policy that encourages families and communities to take care of each other. The goal is not to abandon the elderly to face loneliness and loneliness but to solve the deterioration of their physical and mental conditions. The goal is to ensure all seniors receive thorough and effective services and care. We hope to be recognized as the first full-fledged daycare center in the eastern region of Thailand.
Services will be provided every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. The first step will be a three-month trial from March to June 2023, followed by an evaluation.
The service will be provided by a multidisciplinary team consisting of nurses, social workers, traditional Thai medicine practitioners, physical therapists, and elderly caregivers. Activities will include physiotherapy, brain training, counseling, oral exercises to support the performance of daily activities, balance and movement training, and recreational activities. This pilot phase is also part of a research project on the development of a service delivery model for local government organizations that applies tools and innovations to improve the quality of life of the elderly.
As part of the SMART & STRONG Project, a network of local authorities is involved in the project to build community-based care for the elderly, which includes academics from the Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University, Bueng Yitho Municipality, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Yugawara Town, and NGO Nogezaka-Glocal. The project will be implemented through a network of integrated models of elderly care in Thailand and abroad.