【2023. 2. 2】第1回マネジメント会議を開催しました!/ The First Management Committee

2月2日(木)、タイ国パトムタニ県ブンイトー市の会場とオンラインにて、SMART & STRONG Project(自治体ネットワークによるコミュニティベース統合型高齢者ケア普及プロジェクト)の第1回マネジメント会議が開催されました。


プロジェクト実施の背景をタマサート大学ワナラック准教授が、プロジェクトの概要をNGO野毛坂グローカルの代表奥井利幸さんが、プロジェクトの活動状況をブンイトー市のティティナン医師が、そしてプロジェクト計画についてを神奈川県湯河原町 地域政策課の木村修太係長が報告しました。







On February 2 (Thu), the first management committee of the SMART & STRONG Project was held in Bueng Yitho Municipality, Pathum Thani Province, Thailand, & online (Zoom).

The meeting brought about 150 participants together from 9 municipalities that have been participating in this project's network since the opening ceremony, mayors and other executives from 13 candidate municipalities that are currently considering being a member of this network, professionals from academic institutions such as Thammasat University, Mahidol University, or Kyoto University, and other stakeholders/private business sectors.

Associate Professor Wannalak from Thammasat University gave a presentation on the background of this project, Toshiyuki Okui as the representative of NGO NOGEZAKA-GLOCAL explained its overview, M.D. Thitinan from Bueng Yitho Municipality reported about its current situation/activities, and Mr. Shuta Kimura from Yugawara Town, Kanagawa Prefecture, showed the plans for this project's hereafter implementation.


Then, the other municipalities in this network from around Thailand explained the update on the current situation and activities in each area.
Since each municipality has a different background in terms of regional characteristics or public administration, there is diversity in the contents of the elder care activities they are currently engaging in.

This is why it is important to share knowledge and experience within this network so that individual municipalities can take advantage by knowing and learning other municipalities' strengths and know-how based on each context.

Assistant Professor Nattapat from Thammasat University also commented on the significance of each municipality's initiatives to conduct its own way of elderly care activities.

Through this 1st management committee, we could reflect back on our activities since it started on August 2022, and consider the future implementation and plans to achieve this project with various members in this network.
