【2023. 1. 29】タイ側プロジェクト関係者が訪日研修に参加しました!(複数機関によるプログラムの連携)/ Thai-side Project members' participation in Japan Training Programs hosted by multiple organizations
SMART & STRONG Project(自治体ネットワークによるコミュニティベース統合型高齢者ケアプロジェクト)は、JICA草の根技術協力事業のもと、日本側は神奈川県を拠点として現在活動を行っています。しかし、今回は関西エリアを拠点として、文部科学省・神戸大学、そしてJICA関西が各々実施している【地域での高齢者ケア】に関する日本研修プログラムとの連携をさせていただきました。
The SMART & STRONG Project is run under JICA Partnership Program, currently based in Kanagawa Prefecture as the management from the Japan side. This time, however, our project could collaborate with the other training programs about community-based elderly care, implemented by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Kobe University, and JICA Kansai Center.
Under the "CAMPUS Asia Program" by MEXT and Kobe University, Mr. Chaowarit and Mr. Pinyo (Thai coordinators of our project) have come to Japan for about three months to participate in the training program based in Kobe from January 5 to March 26.
In addition, through the JICA Kansai Center's "Knowledge Co-Creation Program (KCCP)," Dr. Thitinan and Ms. Jandee (Counterparts from Bueng Yitho Municipality in our project) participated in the ten days Japan training program at Kansai area from January 18 to January 27.
Although each training program is implemented by multiple different organizations/agencies, this SMART & STRONG project could collaborate with these training programs since Thai coordinators and counterparts from our project took part in this training. Mr. Okui, as the representative of NGO NOGEZAKA-GLOCAL from the SMART & STRONG project, also visited the training site in Kobe for several days.
Through the collaborations of multiple training programs, members from this SMART & STRONG project were able to exchange information and opinions on community-based elderly care with ministry officials, university officials, and elderly care & welfare professionals represented from Mexico (who also participate in these training programs as well.)
Thanks to the cooperation of JICA Kansai Center and the Houonkai Social Welfare Corporation, the members could have the chance to visit a Community Comprehensive Support Center and other facilities related to elderly care.
We would like to continue collaboration with various institutions or organizations to share more diverse training and event opportunities among Thai local authorities and between Japan and Thailand (and also other countries like Mexico this time when there are opportunities).