【2023. 10. 25】日本の高齢者ケア・リハビリテーションを紹介するタイ向けセミナーを実施しました!/ A Hybrid Seminar introducing Eldercare and Rehabilitation in Japan hosted at Thap Ma Municipality


10:00 開会の挨拶 タップマー市
挨拶 内藤喜文氏 湯河原町参事
10:15-10:35 小野貴司氏
特別養護老人ホーム シーサイド湯河原施設長
10:40-11:00 鈴木伸一氏
11:15-11:35 露木昭彰氏
通所介護事業所 ふらっと湯河原代表
11:35-12:00 まとめ 天野ゆかり氏

Presented by expert speakers from Japan on the topic of "Intoducing Elderly Care and Rehabilitation in Japan" on October 25, 2023, from 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM, at the 5th-floor conference room, Thapma Subdistrict Municipality, Rayong Province via both Onsite and Zoom meeting.
This event was attended by participants from the collaborated municipalities, community leaders, elderly care personnel, health volunteers, and interested participants over 200 people.
Sincerely thanks to the speakers from Japan, the mayor, clerk, officials, and staff from both the Yugawara Municipality and the Thapma Subdistrict Municipality, as well as all participants who attended the session.