【2023. 10. 20】当プロジェクトの高齢者ケア現場での視察について、新田國夫医師に「医療と介護2040」へ寄稿いただきました / Medical Dr. Kunio Nitta Contributed an Article about Experiences and Thoughts to Visit the Field of Elderly Care in Thailand with SMART & STRONG Project

2023年8月終わりから9月頭にかけて、日本の地域包括ケアの第一人者でもある新田國夫をはじめとする医療保健・福祉関係の専門家・実践家・ジャーナリストの方々の、タイにおける高齢者ケア現場を当SMART & STRONGプロジェクトを通じて訪問いただきました。


【2023. 9. 1】新田國夫医師らによるプロジェクトサイトの視察とセミナーを実施しました!/ Visit of Project Sites & Implementation of Seminar by M.D. Kunio NITTA and other Japanese Specialists, Practitioners, & Journalists




第39回 タイの医療・介護事情を垣間見る

From the end of August to the beginning of September 2023, medical health and welfare experts, practitioners and journalists, including Medical Dr. Kunio Nitta, a leading expert in community-based integrated care in Japan, visited elderly care sites in Thailand through our SMART & STRONG project.

(For more information on the visit, please see the NEWS below.)

【2023. 9. 1】新田國夫医師らによるプロジェクトサイトの視察とセミナーを実施しました!/ Visit of Project Sites & Implementation of Seminar by M.D. Kunio NITTA and other Japanese Specialists, Practitioners, & Journalists


We are honored and sincerely appreciate to announce that M.D. Kunio Nitta contributed an article to the 'Medical and Nursing Care 2040' page based on his experiences and thoughts from their visit to Thailand and the differences in medical and nursing care between Japan and Thailand. The article can be read here in the Japanese language.