【2023. 12. 17】自治体職員・医療福祉専門職ら61名を対象に訪日研修を実施しました!/ Training in Japan, for 61 Thai Local Government Officials and Healthcare Professionals


(フランスベッド株式会社は、JICA民間連携事業を活用したタイでの福祉機器レンタル事業化に取り組んでいる会社です。当SMART & STRONGプロジェクトが活用しているJICA草の根技術協力事業と、フランスベッド株式会社によるJICA民間連携事業の、事業同士の連携を行っています。)



From December 13 to 17, 2023, 61 visitors from Thailand in total participated in the Japan Training. The participants include officials from the Thai Ministry of Interior, provincial and municipal chiefs and other senior officials, administrative officials in welfare/healthcare sections, etc., doctors, nurses, physiotherapists/occupational therapists, and professors from the Faculty of Social Administration at Thammasat University. The training was co-sponsored and co-organized by the Thai Ministry of Interior, Thammasat University, and NGO NOGEZAKA-GLOCAL.
On December 14, the participants visited a residential facility, daycare center, and group home for the elderly persons managed by Nara-Higashi Hospital, and also had a courtesy call on the mayor of Tenri City, Nara Prefecture, and a tour of dementia prevention activities in Tenri City as well.

On the following day, December 15, Thai visitors observed the welfare equipment showroom of FRANCE BED, Co., Ltd.(FRANCE BED is a company working on the commercialization of welfare equipment rental services in Thailand through the JICA Public-Private Partnership Program. In short, this is the collaboration within the SMART & STRONG Project, utilizing the JICA Partnership Program and the JICA Public Private Partnership Program by FRANCE BED.)

On 16 December, the group visited Osaka Metropolitan University, and Professor Fumio Nagai from the Graduate School of Law gave a lecture on 'Japanese Local Government and Decentralisation in Comparative Perspectives'. After the comprehensive introduction of the Japanese political system's national and intergovernmental dimensions, Professor Nagai also explained the details of local government's roles/structures, relationships with public and civil society sectors, and administrative reforms from the spread of social security such as healthcare, income, and employment under the 'welfare state' policy to privatization, deregulation, and decentralization, as well as the local cooperation.
The lecture's content had much relevance to the daily work of Thai local government executives and officials so participants raised various sharp questions in the Q&A session.

On December 17, the last day of their itinerary in Japan, the participants visited the Asia and Pacific Trade Centre (ATC) Ageless Centre, and they had the opportunity to learn first-hand how to utilize a variety of welfare equipment.