【2022. 8. 22】オープニングセレモニーの開催と協力協定の締結について / Opening Ceremony & Sign on Collaboration Agreement

8月22日には、パトムタニ県ブンイトー市にて、屋外での SMART & STRONG Project(本事業のタイ名)オープニングセレモニーが行われました。

- パトムタニ県ブンイトー市
- ラヨン県タップマー市
- プラチュアップキリカン県ホワヒン市
- ロブリ県カオプラガム市
- チョンブリ県パタヤ市
- スラタニ県ナーサーン市
- ターク県サイロード市
- トラン県カンタン市
- ランプン県ランプン市

SMART & STRONGプロジェクトの開始について、アジア経済ニュースでも取り上げていただきました。
The SMART & STRONG Project under JICA Partnership Program officially started in August 2022.
The Opening Ceremony of this project was held on August 22 in Bueng Yitho Municipality, Pathum Thani Province.
The background of this project is the rising average life expectancy, declining birth rate, and rapid aging of the population due to the improvement of medical care in Thailand.
Traditionally, elderly care in Thailand has been provided mainly by families and communities. Recently, however, it has become increasingly important to improve the social security system and take measures to cope with the declining birthrate and aging population.
On the other hand, in Japan, social security systems such as long-term care insurance have been developed so far, but now the role of elderly care within the community, such as community-based integrated care, is becoming more significant.
Based on these contexts, this project promotes the spreading of the community-based integrated elderly care model in Japan and Thailand.
Currently, the Japan-Thailand network includes local authorities, Universities, Private business organizations, NGO (Nogezaka Glocal), Thailand government agencies, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
On the same day, a collaboration agreement was signed by the Mayors of the following nine municipalities in Thailand (A Deputy Mayor for Pattaya City), Thammasat University of Thailand, Yugawara Town in Kanagawa Prefecture, and Nogezaka-Glocal.
Bueng Yitho Municipality, Pathumthani Province
- Thap Ma Municipality, Rayong Province
- Hua Hin Municipality,Prachap Kirikan Province
- Khao Phra Ngam Municipality, Lopburi Province
- Na San Municipality, Surat Thani Province
- Lamphun Municipality, Lamphun Province
- Kantang Municipality, Trang Province
- Tha Sai Loud Municipality, Tak Province
- Pattaya Municipality, Chonburi Province
We will continue to promote this project with the cooperation of many more institutions and organizations.